About Us
Glacial Hills Elementary provides an enriched learning environment that has helped countless students learn, develop and grow. We are a public, tuition-free school that offers small class sizes. We embrace experiential learning, student-centered instruction, and learning outside the classroom to teach Minnesota State Standards and environmental education. We are located in West Central Minnesota. Our community sits on Lake Minnewaska and is a few miles north of Glacial Lakes State Park. Our geographical location provides us with environmental assets that have led to the economic viability of Pope County. Manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism lay the economic foundation for our community. This has allowed Glacial Hills to develop unique educational experiences for students as classroom projects strive to reflect our vibrant local business community. For example; quarterly, we take students to the Starbuck marina to learn about local ecosystems and fish. We do this in partnership with Last Cast Bait and Tackle and volunteers from the community. Not to mention, we have amazing support from our school authorizer, Osprey Wilds.
We have the privilege of teaching bright and curious students from Starbuck and the surrounding areas and beyond. If you’re new to our community and would like to learn more about our values, academics, teaching staff or anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Osprey Wilds
To instill a connection and commitment to the environment in people of all communities through experiential learning
The authorizing mission of Osprey Wilds is to ensure quality academic and environmental literacy outcomes for students in Minnesota by conducting effective oversight and evaluation of its authorized schools, providing strategic support to schools, and making informed and merit-based decisions about its portfolio of charter schools. The authorizing vision of Osprey Wilds is to authorize a portfolio of high performing charter schools that instill a connection and commitment to the environment in their school communities,
while working towards a healthy planet where all people live in balance with the Earth.